This ongoing course is designed to especially help adult parishioners learn more about the Catholic Faith. Topics include areas of Catholicism, such as teachings on the Bible, the Eucharist, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and clearing up some of the misunderstandings some people have regarding our faith. The current theme is the history of the Catholic Church, beginning with the first Christians and reaching up to modern times. One of the main goals is to equip Catholics to grow in the knowledge of their faith and to share it more accurately with others. In a special way, parents of children in CCD are invited to attend as they wait for their children, so that both may be participating in religious education.
- contact: Dennis Hallisey (instructor)
meets Sunday from 9:30 to 11:00 am in Father Langan Hall (Social Hall)
A prayer group comprised of various local parishes that focuses special attention on the role the Holy Spirit plays in our daily lives as disciples of Jesus Christ. All are invited to attend and participate so as to grow in the life in the Spirit.
- contact: Janet Shuttlesworth (leader)
- meets on Mondays at 6:15 PM in Father Langan Hall (Social Hall)
The goal is to reach out to fellow parishioners and current Catholics, in general; to encourage them to deepen their faith in Jesus through
personal relationship, to get involved in parish activities/ministries and/or participate in the ChristLife Program. Also, we encourage outreach tom those we encounter in our daily lives by sharing our faith and inviting them to share theirs, if any. Members of the team are encouraged to attend seminars, webinars, workshops, and retreats in order to become more educated about and effective at sharing the faith.
This group meets to study various aspects of the Catholic faith using videos, books, and other materials
that help improve our spiritual life by sharing personal experiences related to the materials. This group
meets Thursdays after the 9 AM Mass in the Den (Religious Education Center)
contact: Bernadine Filliben or Midge Stokes (Group Leaders)
Our parish council of this fraternal order of Catholic men is built upon the principles of charity, unity, and fraternity. The Knights perform works of service for our parish, the larger Church, and the local community. Only members may attend meetings, but all Catholic men are invited to join.
Become a part of us:
- contact: Ken Glass (Grand Knight)
-meets 1st Wednesday of each month at 7 PM in Father Langan Hall (Social Hall)
Our parish chapter of this international organization, which focuses on evangelization and charitable works. Members are committed to doing some works of apostolate for the Legion each week, such as visiting those who are home-bound, residing in nursing homes, or are new to our parish. There are also auxiliary members, who commit to praying the Legion prayers daily but do not attend meetings or do Legion work.
- contact: Janet Todt (president)
Our parish chapter of this national council of more than 3,000 affiliated Catholic women’s councils. The PCCW acts through its members to support, empower and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership and service. Their ministry includes organizing events such as the Angel Tree, collecting items for babies for the Gabriel Project, and assisting in the white ribbon against pornography campaign.
- contact: Pat Slonaker (president)
- meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7 PM in the Father Langan Hall (Social Hall)
(with the exception of December and summer months)
Stretching back to ancient times, the Church has always accompanied men and women that would like to become members of the Body of Christ. RCIA is the modern-day process in which people learn about the Catholic Church, with the possibility of receiving the Sacraments of Initiation. All inquiries are welcome. Participating in RCIA does not necessarily imply that reception into the Catholic Church is expected or mandatory.
- contact: Sr. Rosanne Karmazin (Director of Religious Education and Faith Formation)
- meets one evening each week during the school year for 1 ½ hours in the Religious Education Center
Small gatherings of parishioners, who regularly meet to pray, reflect, and help one another to grow in faith. Currently three existing communities exist. Development of new SCCs is highly encouraged – for where just two or three of us meet, there is Jesus in our midst! See website under Ministries & Organizations for updates.
- Wainwright Group (meets 2nd & 4th Wed. at 6:45 PM in Den)(Religious Education Center)
- Ed Burda Group (meets 1st & 3rd Monday at 6:30 PM in Den)(Religious Education Center)
- Jeff & Terry Seifert Group (meets Wed. every week at 6:30 PM in Religious Education Center_Room 3)
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