This new parish-based group is an opportunity for parishioners and others to come together for social outings, such as day trips and longer bus trips to a variety of venues. Possible destinations include: Sight and Sound Theater, EWTN studios, and fall foliage tours.
- contact: Janet McIntyre (coordinator)
- meets for events as scheduled and planned
This ministry prepares luncheons in the parish social hall following funeral Masses that take place in the church. Assistance is needed in food preparation, as well as in helping with meal service. This is a compassionate way to reach out to those families grieving by showing them this tangible support. This ministry also serves the Advent and Lenten Soup & Sermon lunches.
-- contact: Jan Melhorn (coordinator)
This group of parishioners organizes the monthly coffee and donuts social held on the 1st Sunday of the month after the 8:15am Mass on Sundays during the academic year. Help is needed to set-up and clean-up each time.
- contact: Anita Smith (Parish Secretary/Administrative Assistant)\
Each weekend the offertory collection is taken up at all Masses. Collection stewards are responsible for counting the collection and accurately reporting the various collections as needed.
–- contact: Fr. Burger (pastor)
A parish advocate is a person who assists the pastor in working for and with parishioners with disabilities. The advocate strives to assist parishioners with disabilities to become full participants in the life of the Church – spiritually, physically and socially. The advocate will become part of the diocesan network of advocates and will receive annual training from the Office of Ministry with People with Disabilities.
- contact: Roy Wainwright (advocate)
A joint ministry among various churches in the Abbottstown-East Berlin area exists to assist those with food-based needs. Parishioners of supporting churches and others are encouraged to help in various ways, including: organizing food pantry donations, assisting guests with their shopping, and cleaning up. Other ministries include Ruth’s Harvest (food for school children) and Souper Bowl of Caring (donations for food pantry)
-- contact: Pat Renaut
-- Food Pantry: 1st Wednesday of every month from 4 to 6 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church (East Berlin) and the 1st Thursday of every month from 3 to 5 p.m. at St. John's Lutheran Church (Abbottstown); Ruth’s Harvest is monthly (date varies); Souper Bowl of Caring is annual (January/February).
Landings is a program that provides a safe harbor (or a “landing” place) for returning Catholics to explore their faith and their future with the Church. For those who are active parishioners, Landings provides an opportunity to participate in the Church's evangelization mission by opening your hearts to those who have been away. Sharing your time, your resources, and your faith can help bring others back to the Church.
- contact: Bernadine Filliben (coordinator)
- meetings and times vary
This liturgical ministry is carried out in the context of Mass and other liturgical celebrations. Lectors proclaim the Word of God (the Sacred Scriptures contained in the Bible) for the congregation to hear. All interested in serving in this ministry should approach the scheduler. Permission is granted by the pastor, and training must be received.
-- contact: Pat Renaut (scheduler)
Our parish chapter of this international organization focuses on evangelization and charitable works. Members are committed to doing some works of apostolate for the Legion each week, such as visiting those who are homebound, residing in nursing homes, or are new to our parish. There are also auxiliary members, who commit to praying the Legion prayers daily but do not attend meetings or do Legion work.
-- contact: Janet Todt (president)
-- meets on Mondays at 7:00 PM in Room 5 of the Religious Education Center
This ministry aims at providing various forms of media (books, CDs, etc.) to parishioners for ongoing spiritual formation. The current provider of materials is a joint initiative between Lighthouse Catholic Media and Stewardship: A Mission of Faith. The display is located in the main vestibule of the church.
-- contact: Andrew Altobelli (coordinator)
This ministry is directly involved in the marriage preparation process for those couples seeking to marry in the Catholic Church. Engaged couples meet with mentor couples, in addition to the priest, to prepare to receive the Sacrament of Marriage. Mentor couples are married couples from the parish, who receive special training from the Diocese to carry out this ministry at the pastor’s invitation.
- contact: Fr. Phil Burger (pastor)
This parish-related initiative provides opportunities from time to time for parishioners to participate in domestic and international mission trips, where service in the name of Jesus Christ is provided to those in need. Mission trips to Jamaica and Uganda with the Missionaries of the Poor have been conducted in recent times.
- contact: vacant
This initiative of the Parish Pastoral Council is one proposed way of directly reaching out to our brothers and sisters registered at our parish, but who have been inactive in the practice of their faith. Currently this initiative is being studied.
- contact: vacant (promoter)
This relatively new ministry offers assistance to parishioners on an as-needed basis, and can provide services such as: visitation, care giver relief, meals, light household chores, local transportation, and access to a limited supply of medical equipment to borrow. Many volunteers are still needed!
- contact: vacant (coordinator)
In this ministry, members knit and crochet prayer shawls, lap blankets, and other items (as needed) for the needs of the elderly or the infirmed, the homeless, the bereaved, Rachel’s Vineyard retreat, RCIA candidates, veterans in Hospice. Members do individual work at home, praying for the intended recipients as they work. They also gather monthly, and pray together for the needs of these recipients as they work together.
-- contact: Jan Melhorn (coordinator)
-- meets approximately every month, or as needed
The Respect Life committee is comprised of parish volunteers who organize events within the parish and community to increase awareness and activism surrounding social issues, specifically addressing the value and dignity of the human person. Some of the activities include collecting items for Tender Care Pregnancy Center, as well as sponsoring the New Hope walk to raise money for the food bank. We also educate the parish on pro-life candidates, bills, policies and legislation as it is pertinent to impacting pro-life social policies, along with helping to organize and attend the March for Life every January in Washington, DC with the Knights of Columbus.
- contact: Sabrina Smith (coordinator)
- meetings and times as necessary
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