Various parishioners take responsibility for specific “gardens” on the parish grounds. Work includes: planting flowers, mulching, pulling weeds, and maintaining the beauty of these parish “gardens”.
- contact: Anita Smith (Parish Secretary/Administrative Assistant)
This committee meets with the pastor, and concerns itself with the church facility, other buildings on the church grounds, and the overall upkeep of our parish structures and property. Projects of larger scopes that require outsourced bids are discussed with this committee. Membership by permission of pastor.
- contact: Steve Signorello (chair)
- meets as needed (approximately quarterly)
This committee meets with the pastor to discuss all aspects related to our parish cemetery – both old and new sections. Membership by permission of pastor.
- contact: Fr. Phil Burger (pastor)
- meets as needed in the REC
This new committee meets with the pastor to look to the IT needs of our parish by developing an IT Plan involving computers and other media, and continues to evaluate this plan into the future. Membership by permission of pastor.
- contact: Kevin Heilman (chair)
- meets as needed (approximately quarterly)
Our parish is over 200 years old – that means we have a lot of history! There is a wealth of information that could be organized and catalogued for the preservation of our patrimony and the information of our parishioners. There are many other stories yet to be discovered. Do YOU have one?
- contact: Judy and Bob Goley (coordinators)
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