The Bible informs us that God is the giver of every good gift (see James 1:17). In fact, everything we have received has truly been given to us – starting with our name and including everything else in life. Even our financial earnings are given to us as a result of our hard work. Because God has blessed us in so many ways, the proper response to Him is gratitude – thankfulness for all we have received. Financial stewardship calls us to realize this fundamental truth, and to respond in gratitude by our sacrificial giving. When it comes to giving back financially, there are many worthy places we can donate funds, including the following:
Christians in general have an awareness of tithing – that is the Old Testament practice of giving the first 10% of the fruits of the land to God. Similarly, the New Testament directs us on Sunday to set aside whatever we can afford (see 1 Cor. 16:2). The Catholic Church does not instruct that we must tithe (that is, give 10% of our income to the Church). At the same time, God does want us to give from the heart, because to give freely and cheerfully of what we have earned and received is what it means to give as a gift. And so, each week at Mass, along with the bread and the wine, the collection (taken up during our offertory) is presented. This gesture is an important part of the Mass that signifies that our resources truly are gifts.
All financial stewardship, is one important way we can gratefully share our treasure, along with our time, our special talents, and even our prayers, to build up the Kingdom of God. Here are some of the ways that you can contribute financial gifts to our wonderful parish, and to the Lord’s work which takes place here:
Use of weekly envelopes is an easy and excellent way to practice financial stewardship. Simply place the envelope with your gift in the offertory collection at Mass or mail to 6084 W. Canal Rd., Abbottstown, PA 17301. Electronic giving options are also available. For more information on this, or to request envelopes, please contact our parish office at (717) 259-0611.
Mass intentions are taken on a first come basis for both weekday and weekend Masses. Each Mass intention generally requires a $10.00 stipend which is to be included with the request. Please contact the parish office to request a Mass intention.
As you plan your giving for this year or the future, consider that there are ways to make revocable or irrevocable planned and deferred gifts to the parish as well. Here are some options: - You might prayerfully consider leaving our parish a bequest in your Will or Living Trust*. - Additionally, you might consider a notation in an obituary for memorial contributions to be made to our parish. For further information on the following advanced options, please contact the Diocesan Office of Development at (717) 657-4804 or - making a gift of stock - IRA charitable rollovers - Charitable Gift Annuities - various types of trusts,
Thank you for your ongoing generosity and support of our parish! *
Please note that in the past bequests have made possible major projects such as a new roof on the church, and the restoration and renovations of the church, the rectory, and the parish offices.
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