All children of our parish from K-8 should be enrolled each year in CCD if they do not attend Catholic School. CCD is for children in grades pre-K through 8 where they meet weekly for religious instruction and formation. This very important ministry is one way the parish assists parents in their role as primary formators of their children in the ways of faith.
-contact: Sr. Rosanne Karmazin (Director of Religious Education and Faith Formation)
meets each Sunday of the school year from 9:30 to 11:00 am in the Religious Education Center
Children (ages 3 through 2nd grade) are called forward during Mass and then sent forth with their teachers to hear the Word of God (the Bible readings) at an age-appropriate level, and then to interact with the Word through song and activity to help them better understand.
- contact: Chrissy Donahue (coordinator)
- meets each Sunday of the school year at the 11:15 am Mass in Father Langan Hall (Social Hall) (approx. 20 min)
This new ministry offers families with children through 8th grade opportunities to help others in need. The group will participate in activities such as visiting personal care residents to hand out crafts and sing songs, or delivering food baskets to parish shut-ins.
- contact: Monica Hoey (coordinator)
- meets according to planned schedule in Father Langan Hall (Social Hall) , with additional activities scheduled throughout the school year
This annual week each summer for young children is aimed at helping them to grow in their Catholic faith through prayer, song, and other activities that pertain to a particular Bible theme. Volunteers (young and old) are needed to assist with various aspects of VBS, including: chaperones, teachers, games, and snacks. One must receive the permission of the Director of Religious Education to assist.
- contact: Sr. Rosanne Karmazin (Director of Religious Education and Faith Formation)
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