The Pastoral Council is a consultative body, pastoral in nature, that strives to discern the movement of the Holy Spirit among God’s people in the parish. It investigates, under the authority of the pastor, all those things which pertain to pastoral works – to ponder them, and to propose practical conclusions about them.
The Pastoral Council assists the pastor in his leadership role of planning, organizing, initiating, promoting, coordinating, and reviewing the various missions of the parish, which are: evangelization, education, pastoral ministry, liturgy, social concerns and outreach, and ecumenism and interfaith concerns. General membership positions are filled through election by the entire parish or by appointment by the pastor.
The Council meets approximately every month during the academic year. Anyone wishing to attend a Parish Pastoral Council meeting is welcome to do so (some exceptions might be made for issues such as discussions pertaining to personnel issues or preliminary budget work). Parish Pastoral Council meeting dates are included in the calendar on the parish website. Anyone wishing to address the Parish Pastoral Council on any topic may do so, but for sake of time and relevance to the Council will need to contact the Parish Pastoral Council Chair or the Pastor first.
The Pastoral Council meetings for the year are scheduled for the 2nd Thursday of each month, with the exception of December - there will be no meeting that month.
Members |
Sister Rosanne Karmazin |
Paul Oakes |
Nick Stollar |
Teresa Altland |
Kathy Bean |
Sharon Hare |
Kevin Heilman |
Pat Renaut |
Chris Sanders |
John Schlaline |
Mitch Walton |
Lori Wonders |
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