A youth development organization that provides a fun and educational experience concerned with values. Besides providing a positive place where boys can enjoy safe, wholesome activities, it also focuses on building character and teaching practical skills.
- contact: Mike Bergels (Cubmaster)
-meets on Mondays at 6:30 PM in the Scout Lodge
A prominent values-based youth development organization that provides a program for young men that builds character, and helps build the future leaders of this country by combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun outdoor activities.
- contact: Kevin DePaulis (Scout Master)
- meets on Wednesdays 7:00-8:30 PM in the Scout Lodge
This new ministry reaches out to teens in grades 8 through 12, and seeks to provide a forum for them to continue exploring and being formed in the Catholic faith through spiritual, service, and social activities. This occurs in an interactive, relationship-based environment, as opposed to a classroom setting. All teens are invited to participate!
- contact: Paul Oakes (Youth Ministry Leader)
- meets according to planned schedule in the Den (Religious Education Center), and additional activities are included throughout the school year as scheduled
Ministry for grades 5-7 Meet on scheduled Friday evenings
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